Are you a first-time car buyer with no real credit history? Maybe you are in the process of improving your credit score. No matter your financial status, all Buford drivers deserve a reliable automobile. You may be wondering if financing a car with no credit is a possibility for you, or if you can get a Kia with bad credit, in which case, the answer is yes! Kia will finance bad credit, and Kia bad credit loans can be custom-tailored to remain affordable for your monthly budget. Granted, the process of financing a car with bad credit or no credit may be a bit more complicated than if you had a strong credit history, but the finance team here at Lou Sobh Kia is dedicated to finding a solution to get you behind the wheel. Learn more about financing a car with no credit and Kia bad credit financing with us below.
If you’re wondering if you can get a Kia with bad credit or no credit around Roswell, you’ll be relieved to know that Kia will finance bad credit and no credit. If you decide to take on a finance agreement with no history of credit, be mindful that you will likely need to prepare for a sizeable down payment. Additionally, your agreement may include a higher-than-average interest rate. Establish your budget before you visit the dealership, but leave some room for negotiation. Keep these tips in mind when attempting to finance a Kia with bad credit or no credit:
If you don’t have credit or your score is lackluster, one thing to keep in mind is that it may be much easier to negotiate for a lease. Lenders tend to be much more relaxed about leasing. If you’re unaware of the differences between leasing and financing, keep reading.
Now that you know that Kia will finance bad credit or no credit and that our Kia bad credit loans can be tailored to fit your monthly budget, give us a call at (678) 928-0107 for help. When you visit our finance office in Cumming, you will see that we do things differently. You can get a Kia with bad credit, and we make obtaining a bad credit car finance agreement obtainable to our friends and neighbors in greater Alpharetta because we believe every driver should be able to have the transportation we need, regardless of their situation. Contact us today for one-on-one car buying guidance, or you can apply for financing online to get pre-approved.
When selecting the 2024 Kia Soul, you’re not just choosing an SUV—you’re making a statement on Cumming streets. The array of Kia Soul exterior and interior colors allows you to personalize your vehicle to reflect your unique style. With nine exterior color options, the 2024 model offers even more choices compared to its predecessor. Meanwhile,…
Looking for a compact crossover SUV near Alpharetta that exceeds your expectations but not your budget? Equipped with standard AWD and a long list of driver-assist features, the Kia Seltos trims offer substantial value for Buford drivers like you. Find your ideal model below in the guide from Lou Sobh Kia, then contact us to take a…
The roomy, three-row Kia Telluride is engineered for reliable power and performance and packed with class-leading features–everything busy Buford and Roswell families like yours need in an SUV. What’s more, the Telluride is stylish too, offering a sleek and distinctive body style, alloy wheels, and a wide range of interior and exterior color options. Explore…